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Auto Operation

The Auto Operation feature handles the manipulation of feature flag configurations on your behalf. It executes specific operations automatically based on the conditions you have set.

On the Feature Flag details page, select the Auto Operation tab at the top to check the active and completed operations or to configure new ones.

How auto operation works

The auto operation feature consists of two key elements:

  • Operation: An action triggered by one or more conditions. When the condition is met, the action related to the operation is executed. Currently, Bucketeer supports two types of operations:

    • Enable: Enables the chosen flag when the condition is met. You can release using the schedule or progressive rollout options.
    • Kill Switch: Disables the chosen flag when the condition is met. You can disable it using the schedule or event rate.
  • Condition: A condition specifies the circumstances under which the operation is triggered. Multiple conditions can be associated with a single killing operation. On the other hand, only one condition can be related to enabling a feature flag. Similarly, each rollout phase is linked to a condition. It's important to note that the corresponding operation is triggered if any conditions are satisfied.

Based on the operations and conditions, the auto operation works as follows:

  1. The server monitors the specified conditions.
  2. When a condition is met, the corresponding operation is executed.
  3. The triggered operation's status changes from Active to Complete after turning the associated flag ON or OFF.
  4. The operation is moved from the Active to the Completed panel, indicating that it has been executed.


As mentioned, a condition must be fulfilled to trigger an auto operation. Currently, Bucketeer provides three condition options, which you can use to configure auto operations in your application:

  • Schedule: Specify the date and time to enable or kill a flag.
  • Progressive rollout: Determine a strategy to progressively release a feature flag variation.
  • Event rate: Define conditions to kill a flag based on the rate of a particular event.