
Audit Logs

The Audit Logs feature stores all log history from the current Environment. You can use the logs to identify problems or who performed modifications in your project flags.

To check the logs, access the Audit Logs page from the sidebar menu. To check logs from other environments, you first need to change to the desired environment and then access the Audit Logs page.

Filtering logs

By default, the Audit Logs displays the most recent entries. However, you can use the Sort button at the top right corner to switch to the Oldest first if you need.

Bucketeer system provides several filters you can use to find desired logs, making it easier to inspect and find problem sources. The complete filter options are listed below:

  • Email: User email who performed the change, such as modifying a flag variation.
  • Date: Specify a date range when the logs were created.
  • Entity: Select the type of entity related to the log source. You can use this option to filter logs related only to changes in Goals, for example. The complete list is presented next:
    • Feature Flag
    • Goal
    • Experiment
    • User Segment
    • Account
    • API Key
    • Auto Operation
    • Progressive Rollout
    • Push
    • Subscription


Several actions can create a log in Bucketeer. The toggle below contains a table listing all possible actions to generate new logs.

Check the complete list of actions that generate logs in Bucketter.
Log SourceDescription
UNKNOWNLog source with an unspecified or unknown cause.
FEATURE_CREATEDA feature has been created.
FEATURE_RENAMEDThe name of a feature has been changed.
FEATURE_ENABLEDA feature has been enabled.
FEATURE_DISABLEDA feature has been disabled.
FEATURE_DELETEDA feature has been deleted.
FEATURE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a feature has been changed.
FEATURE_VARIATION_ADDEDA variation has been added to a feature.
FEATURE_VARIATION_REMOVEDA variation has been removed from a feature.
FEATURE_OFF_VARIATION_CHANGEDThe off-variation of a feature has been changed.
VARIATION_VALUE_CHANGEDThe value of a variation has been changed.
VARIATION_NAME_CHANGEDThe name of a variation has been changed.
VARIATION_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a variation has been changed.
VARIATION_USER_ADDEDA user has been added to a variation.
VARIATION_USER_REMOVEDA user has been removed from a variation.
FEATURE_RULE_ADDEDA rule has been added to a feature.
FEATURE_RULE_STRATEGY_CHANGEDThe strategy of a feature rule has been changed.
FEATURE_RULE_DELETEDA rule has been deleted from a feature.
RULE_CLAUSE_ADDEDA clause has been added to a rule.
RULE_CLAUSE_DELETEDA clause has been deleted from a rule.
RULE_FIXED_STRATEGY_CHANGEDThe fixed strategy of a rule has been changed.
RULE_ROLLOUT_STRATEGY_CHANGEDThe rollout strategy of a rule has been changed.
CLAUSE_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGEDThe attribute of a clause has been changed.
CLAUSE_OPERATOR_CHANGEDThe operator of a clause has been changed.
CLAUSE_VALUE_ADDEDA value has been added to a clause.
CLAUSE_VALUE_REMOVEDA value has been removed from a clause.
FEATURE_DEFAULT_STRATEGY_CHANGEDThe default strategy of a feature has been changed.
FEATURE_TAG_ADDEDA tag has been added to a feature.
FEATURE_TAG_REMOVEDA tag has been removed from a feature.
FEATURE_VERSION_INCREMENTEDThe version of a feature has been incremented.
FEATURE_ARCHIVEDA feature has been archived.
FEATURE_CLONEDA feature has been cloned.
FEATURE_UNARCHIVEDA feature has been unarchived.
SAMPLING_SEED_RESETThe sampling seed has been reset.
PREREQUISITE_ADDEDA prerequisite has been added.
PREREQUISITE_REMOVEDA prerequisite has been removed.
PREREQUISITE_VARIATION_CHANGEDThe variation of a prerequisite has been changed.
GOAL_CREATEDA goal has been created.
GOAL_RENAMEDThe name of a goal has been changed.
GOAL_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a goal has been changed.
GOAL_DELETEDA goal has been deleted.
GOAL_ARCHIVEDA goal has been archived.
EXPERIMENT_CREATEDAn experiment has been created.
EXPERIMENT_STOPPEDAn experiment has been stopped.
EXPERIMENT_START_AT_CHANGEDThe start time of an experiment has been changed.
EXPERIMENT_STOP_AT_CHANGEDThe stop time of an experiment has been changed.
EXPERIMENT_DELETEDAn experiment has been deleted.
EXPERIMENT_PERIOD_CHANGEDThe period of an experiment has been changed.
EXPERIMENT_NAME_CHANGEDThe name of an experiment has been changed.
EXPERIMENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of an experiment has been changed.
EXPERIMENT_STARTEDAn experiment has started.
EXPERIMENT_FINISHEDAn experiment has finished.
EXPERIMENT_ARCHIVEDAn experiment has been archived.
ACCOUNT_CREATEDAn account has been created.
ACCOUNT_ROLE_CHANGEDThe role of an account has been changed.
ACCOUNT_ENABLEDAn account has been enabled.
ACCOUNT_DISABLEDAn account has been disabled.
ACCOUNT_DELETEDAn account has been deleted.
APIKEY_CREATEDAn API key has been created.
APIKEY_NAME_CHANGEDThe name of an API key has been changed.
APIKEY_ENABLEDAn API key has been enabled.
APIKEY_DISABLEDAn API key has been disabled.
SEGMENT_CREATEDA segment has been created.
SEGMENT_DELETEDA segment has been deleted.
SEGMENT_NAME_CHANGEDThe name of a segment has been changed.
SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a segment has been changed.
SEGMENT_RULE_ADDEDA rule has been added to a segment.
SEGMENT_RULE_DELETEDA rule has been deleted from a segment.
SEGMENT_RULE_CLAUSE_ADDEDA clause has been added to a rule in a segment.
SEGMENT_RULE_CLAUSE_DELETEDA clause has been deleted from a rule in a segment.
SEGMENT_CLAUSE_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGEDThe attribute of a clause in a segment has been changed.
SEGMENT_CLAUSE_OPERATOR_CHANGEDThe operator of a clause in a segment has been changed.
SEGMENT_CLAUSE_VALUE_ADDEDA value has been added to a clause in a segment.
SEGMENT_CLAUSE_VALUE_REMOVEDA value has been removed from a clause in a segment.
SEGMENT_USER_ADDEDA user has been added to a segment.
SEGMENT_USER_DELETEDA user has been deleted from a segment.
SEGMENT_BULK_UPLOAD_USERSUsers have been bulk uploaded to a segment.
SEGMENT_BULK_UPLOAD_USERS_STATUS_CHANGEDThe status of a bulk upload of users to a segment has been changed.
ENVIRONMENT_CREATEDAn environment has been created.
ENVIRONMENT_RENAMEDThe name of an environment has been changed.
ENVIRONMENT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of an environment has been changed.
ENVIRONMENT_DELETEDAn environment has been deleted.
ADMIN_ACCOUNT_CREATEDAn admin account has been created.
ADMIN_ACCOUNT_ENABLEDAn admin account has been enabled.
ADMIN_ACCOUNT_DISABLEDAn admin account has been disabled.
AUTOOPS_RULE_CREATEDAn auto operation rule has been created.
AUTOOPS_RULE_DELETEDAn auto operation rule has been deleted.
AUTOOPS_RULE_OPS_TYPE_CHANGEDThe operations type of an auto operation rule has been changed.
AUTOOPS_RULE_CLAUSE_DELETEDA clause has been deleted from an auto operation rule.
AUTOOPS_RULE_TRIGGERED_AT_CHANGEDThe triggered-at time of an auto operation rule has been changed.
OPS_EVENT_RATE_CLAUSE_ADDEDA clause related to event rate has been added to an auto operation rule.
OPS_EVENT_RATE_CLAUSE_CHANGEDA clause related to event rate has been changed in an auto operation rule.
DATETIME_CLAUSE_ADDEDA datetime clause has been added to an auto operation rule.
DATETIME_CLAUSE_CHANGEDA datetime clause has been changed in an auto operation rule.
PUSH_CREATEDA push notification has been created.
PUSH_DELETEDA push notification has been deleted.
PUSH_TAGS_ADDEDTags have been added to a push notification.
PUSH_TAGS_DELETEDTags have been deleted from a push notification.
PUSH_RENAMEDA push notification has been renamed.
SUBSCRIPTION_CREATEDA subscription has been created.
SUBSCRIPTION_DELETEDA subscription has been deleted.
SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLEDA subscription has been enabled.
SUBSCRIPTION_DISABLEDA subscription has been disabled.
SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ADDEDA source type has been added to a subscription.
SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_TYPE_DELETEDA source type has been deleted from a subscription.
SUBSCRIPTION_RENAMEDA subscription has been renamed.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATEDAn admin subscription has been created.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETEDAn admin subscription has been deleted.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLEDAn admin subscription has been enabled.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_DISABLEDAn admin subscription has been disabled.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ADDEDA source type has been added to an admin subscription.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE_TYPE_DELETEDA source type has been deleted from an admin subscription.
ADMIN_SUBSCRIPTION_RENAMEDAn admin subscription has been renamed.
PROJECT_CREATEDA project has been created.
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a project has been changed.
PROJECT_ENABLEDA project has been enabled.
PROJECT_DISABLEDA project has been disabled.
PROJECT_TRIAL_CREATEDA trial for a project has been created.
PROJECT_TRIAL_CONVERTEDA trial for a project has been converted to a full subscription.
PROJECT_RENAMEDThe name of a project has been changed.
WEBHOOK_CREATEDA webhook has been created.
WEBHOOK_DELETEDA webhook has been deleted.
WEBHOOK_NAME_CHANGEDThe name of a webhook has been changed.
WEBHOOK_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a webhook has been changed.
WEBHOOK_CLAUSE_ADDEDA clause has been added to a webhook.
WEBHOOK_CLAUSE_CHANGEDA clause has been changed in a webhook.
PROGRESSIVE_ROLLOUT_CREATEDA progressive rollout has been created.
PROGRESSIVE_ROLLOUT_DELETEDA progressive rollout has been deleted.
PROGRESSIVE_ROLLOUT_SCHEDULE_TRIGGERED_AT_CHANGEDThe scheduled trigger time of a progressive rollout has been changed.
ORGANIZATION_CREATEDAn organization has been created.
ORGANIZATION_NAME_CHANGEDThe name of an organization has been changed.
ORGANIZATION_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of an organization has been changed.
ORGANIZATION_ENABLEDAn organization has been enabled.
ORGANIZATION_DISABLEDAn organization has been disabled.
ORGANIZATION_ARCHIVEDAn organization has been archived.
ORGANIZATION_UNARCHIVEDAn organization has been unarchived.
ORGANIZATION_TRIAL_CONVERTEDAn organization's trial has been converted to a full subscription.
FLAG_TRIGGER_CREATEDA flag trigger has been created.
FLAG_TRIGGER_RESETA flag trigger has been reset.
FLAG_TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION_CHANGEDThe description of a flag trigger has been changed.
FLAG_TRIGGER_DISABLEDA flag trigger has been disabled.
FLAG_TRIGGER_ENABLEDA flag trigger has been enabled.
FLAG_TRIGGER_DELETEDA flag trigger has been deleted.
FLAG_TRIGGER_USAGE_UPDATEDThe usage information of a flag trigger has been updated.